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Products for organic farming
Description : Since the farm was founded in 1991, our staff has provided countless individuals and companies worldwide, with valuable information and a comprehensive line products to assist them in vermiculture, vermicomposting, horticulture and organic farming.

Our star workers are earthworms. From them, we use their castings in:

two bagged products, Barefoot Soil Earthworm Castings and Barefoot Soil Deluxe Potting Mix, and
several bulk products available only onsite including:
Barefoot Soil Earthworm Castings,
Earthworm Castings,
Perfect Blend (50% Barefoot Soil Earthworm Castings and 50% manure)
our hugely popular Deluxe Garden Blend (20% Barefoot Soil Eathworm Castings, 20% composted dairy manure and 60% topsoil),
and Worm Tea
Cosmetic products
other Cosmetic products
Description : A pioneering brand established in 1997, Green People is the leader in certified organic body care products. With an extensive range of natural products – shampoos, face creams, sun lotions and body washes to name just a few – it is one of the biggest names in organic beauty in the UK.
Cosmetic products
other Cosmetic products
Description : organic skin care
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Description : Huiles essentielles biologiques:
Geranium Bourbon
Lantana camara
Niaouli Type II
Tagete bipinata
Ylang Ylang I II III extra
Huiles essentielles conventionnelles
Girofle clou, feuille, griffe
Poivre noir
Cannelle ecorce
Geranium Bourbon
Tagete bipinata
Huiles végétales
Herbs, spices & condiments
Spices, peppers
Poivre vert en saumure
Poivre noir léger
Poivre noir lourd
Girofle CG3
Cannelle HNNG, CZ4, tuyau
Voatsiperifery (poivre sauvage)
Fruit & vegetables
Control Union
Preserved fruit or vegetables
Description : Fruit products of pineapple, banana and jackfruit
Fruit & vegetables
Control Union
Dried fruit
Description : Fruit products of pineapple, banana and jackfruit
Fruit & vegetables
Control Union
Dehydrated fruit or vegetables
Description : Fruit products of pineapple, banana and jackfruit
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Aromatic plants
Description : Plantes medicinales et aromatiques Demeter et AB
Cereals & derived products
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : Bianca International Organic Inc. -BIO- was establish in Montreal, Canada at the beginning of 1995, with the intention of bringing organic products to the market at affordable prices.

The founders and the whole team have since forged excellent trade relations with numerous growers, suppliers and wholesalers of certified organic products around the globe. We, at BIO, continuously work to find organic products for current and future customers so that we always can be at the leading edge of development in the organic market.

BIO acts only as an agent for sales carried out through its offices. Our company connects the buyer directly to the seller, thereby enabling the customer to keep costs low. This has allowed us to offer the best available organic products at the most reasonable prices.

Private labeling is becoming more and more popular, and BIO has developed a large data base of organic products which can be manufactured under the customers own label.

Due to the ever growing demand, not only for organic retail products, BIO has already build up a long term business relationship with other partners world wide (growers, traders, distributors..) which allows us to comply with our customers demands from the nearest sources with best prices. BIO also has the capabilities to source most types of organic products.

All products sourced through BIO as organic items are accompanied by all relevant documents and organic certifications.
Sugar & honey products
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Other sugar & honey products
Description : Inulin and FOS are Organic Dietary Fibers from Mexico’s blue Agave plant and are prebiotics. They are considered as functional food ingredients. Research studies have shown their use as bifidogenic agents, stimulating the immune system of the body, decreasing the pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, relieving constipation, decreasing the risk of osteoporosis by increasing mineral absorption, especially of calcium, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis by lowering the synthesis of triglycerides and fatty acids in the liver and decreasing their level in serum.
Inufib is used for its prebiotic benefits. It is used as a sugar and fat replacement. It has a low calorific value and its suitable for diabetics. It is highly soluble. Inufib reduces fat and sugar in your product while improving the texture and mouth feel.
Inulin can be used in breads, cakes, chocolate, biscuits, beverages, sauces, milk drink and more.
Sugar & honey products
Ecocert Belgium Sprl
Other sugar & honey products
Description : Switter is dehydrated agave syrup. This fructose based agave powder is perfect in industrial recipes that typically use powders such as candy, cereal, bakery products, yoghurt, chocolate and much more
Cereals & derived products
Consejo De Agricultura Ecológica De Castilla Y León
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : We offer Spanish Certified Organic Products.
- Full Organic Husked Spelt.

Cereals & derived products
Consejo De Agricultura Ecológica De Castilla Y León
Other cereals & derived products
Description : We offer Spanish Certified Organic Products.
- Full Organic Husked Spelt Wheat.

Cosmetic products
other Cosmetic products
Description : Soaps

All of CosmeSoap’s product lines are available as organinc soap bars, shower gels, or liquid soaps.

Cosmetic Soaps: CosmeSoap manufactures an extensive range of cosmetic soaps that are designed to be nourishing, soothing, medicated, hydrating, or antibacterial, depending on your preferences, and selections. In our laboratories we also produce the entire range of ECOCERT certified organic soaps.

Scented Soaps: CosmeSoap researchers have discovered the secret to producing natural soaps with a long-lasting, pleasant fragrance. Our scented soaps are currently sold along with many famous brands of perfume and cosmetics. CosmeSoap will combine the fragrances you select with our manufacturing and packaging expertise, to create the perfect balance of beauty, fragrance, and function in your custom soap production. Our extreme attention to detail will help ensure that all the elements of your final product will exceed the needs and expectations of your customers.

Natural Soaps (ECOCERT/USDA Certified) CosmeSoap specializes in vegetable based soaps for spas, thalassotherapy centers, and beauty and aromatherapy institutes. Our natural soaps can be customized using essential oils (sweet almond, ylang ylang, and evening primrose oil etc.), plant extracts ( lavender, geranium, green tea, ginkgo biloba, seaweed, etc.), as well as with grape or orange extract. Natural ingredients such as honey, shea butter, and clay can be used to create soaps with detoxifying, exfoliating, hydrating, or massaging qualities depending on your specific needs.
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